25 April 2010

Podcasts for Preparation

There are several ways to get students ready to engage in new activities in class. One of my favorite methods is to jump into a unit with little or no preparation to give the students a feel for what is to come. There is no grading during this "introduction," but it can be very entertaining... and fun.

Now, there are some students who just do not do well with surprises. These students need more preparation to get used to the idea of what is to come.

And, students will not respond well to the same approach being used time and time again!

Public Speaking was one of the most difficult units to get into for the students. They need to "hear" from other voices. They need to know about debates and publically speaking from multiple sources. The guidelines will come from the teacher, but hearing another voice will give added perspective. There are several short and helpful podcasts at the Education Podcast Network. One such podcast gives an overview of public speaking. Click here to access Public Speaking Overview. This would be a great way to get the students started before the unit began in class. It will get them thinking and training their minds on what needs to be done, and what should not be done. They will remember important tidbits such as use your hands, but do not use props.

1 comment:

  1. As someone who prefers to "know what's coming", I know that as a learner I appreciate a little forewarning. So, as you have pointed out, podcasts such as the one you have linked to would work well with learners like me. :-)

    Dr. Burgos
