24 January 2010

Personal Professional Development - Be Honest, Be Reflective, Be Open

Being Honest

It is important to be honest when you are creating a means to evaluate your professional developement. It might even be more difficult to do this online when others can view your growth as a teacher, but it is a great opportunity as well. When one is honest with him or herself, one can learn much more than if one is delving into a world of half truths in order to prop oneself up in other's eyes.

Being Reflective

I have to give credit to my classmate for this one... I read her blog before coming up with this post. She had the idea of reflective journaling as a teacher.

This is a wonderful idea. It will update the system I used when I was student teaching... scribling down thoughts and ideas in a notebook and then throwing it in the backseat of my car. Making one's thoughts available to colleagues would be very helpful and beneficial. Criticism should be looked on as a positive, even if the one critiquing is not as "careful" as he or she should be with his or her words. Even if there are comments that might be considered "harsh," they could very well help in the long term.

Being Open

For many, myself included, being open is a struggle. Letting others view, critique, and comment on what you do and who you are is difficult; however, taking their advice is exponentially more challenging. No teacher - regardless of degrees or years in the classroom - has it all figured out. It is important to be open to new possibilities. Be thankful for the ideas... and the sources!

1 comment:

  1. I always feel that being reflective is very important. It helped me out a lot during my student teaching and some times I find my self doing it when I am subbing. It just helps me out with putting things in its place and trying to figure out what I could have done better or something along the lines of what didn't go so well. It just makes sense in my head to reflect after everything that I do. I am glad that I was able to help!! I am also more excited that you did indeed give me credit for it. :]
