24 January 2010

Safely Blogging

It is important to stay safe when blogging! Here is a list of things you should do... and some things you should stay away from.

Things To Do
- Have passwords that make sense, but are hard for others to come up with. Always make passwords with letters and numbers.
- Make sure you check your own blog and do not let any links post without your approval and research.
- Have fun, but stay professional; this is a learning environment.
- Give reminders about blog safety.
- Always get consent from administrators and parents before blogging!

Things Not To Do
- Passwords should not be birthdates, or names of people close to you.
- Do not treat a blog as a social connection group.
- Do not post addresses, phone numbers or any other means to identify who you are. You can share with those you trust in another format.


  1. Those are good suggestions. However, if you are having students blog, you should also include in your list getting consent forms from students, parents and administrators.

    Dr. Burgos

  2. I like your suggestion about moderating comments, and agree completely. Once something is out there, it might never go away. Also, not treating a blog as a social connection group is a good reminder. Since the format is casual, this can be tempting. Thanks!
